Please click on the titles below to read and/or download United Way of East/Central Texas' policies.
Equal Opportunity Employer Policy
East Central Texas United Way is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). Our primary objective is to obtain qualified individuals for positions based on job-related standards of education, training, experience, and personal qualifications without regard to race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, or disability or any other unlawful reason.
In recognition of its responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the East Central Texas United Way shall not ask medically related questions on employment applications, during employment interviews or during post employment evaluations. Further, the East Central Texas United Way shall not discriminate against disabled persons if essential job functions can be performed with or without reasonable accommodations.
A. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement
It is the policy of the East Central Texas United Way to hire well qualified people. An integral part of this policy is to provide equal employment opportunity for all persons and administer hiring, working conditions, benefits and privileges of employment, compensation, training, appointments for advancement, including layoffs and recalls for all employees, without discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, veteran status, or disability.
In order to implement the foregoing policy, East Central Texas United Way will consider qualified applicants from all sources to ensure equal consideration of individuals. Additionally, the East Central Texas United Way will continue to maintain all United Way facilities on a completely non-segregated basis and will fully cooperate with all authorized individuals and agencies responsible for administering laws and regulations in the area of equal employment opportunity and fair employment practice. This policy extends to all employees, board members and volunteers as well as all aspects of the employment relationship and all personnel are hereby directed to take all reasonable efforts to carry out the spirit and intent of East Central Texas United Way policy. Violations of this policy by any employee, board member or volunteer will be met with appropriate action.
East Central Texas United Way shall disseminate this policy to its employees and board members and encourage indirect sources of job applicants, such as employees, suppliers, customers, and other contractors to refer quality minority applicants. East Central Texas United Way further pledges to implement additional measures designed to achieve the goals established by this Plan.
Overall responsibility for the direction of equal employment opportunity policy, programs and practices, has been assigned to the presiding President of the Board of Directors.
The objective of East Central Texas United Way Affirmative Action Plan is to ensure that all employees receive equality of opportunity limited only by each employee’s desire and ability. The objective calls for a work environment free of discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, veteran status, or disability. East Central Texas United Way will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on race, sex, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, or any other unlawful reason, or retaliation against an employee or board member who notifies East Central Texas United Way concerning a perceived breach of this policy.
East Central Texas United Way is assuring the full realization of its stated objective through a continuous procedure of monitoring and reporting.
B. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement Veterans and Handicapped Affirmative Action Plan
It is East Central Texas United Way policy to hire well-qualified people. An integral part of this Policy is to provide disabled workers, disabled veterans, and Vietnam Era veterans equal employment opportunity with respect to all employment practices, including hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation and selection for training.
In order to implement the foregoing policy, East Central Texas United Way will consider qualified applicants from all sources to ensure equal considerations of individuals. Additionally, in making employment decisions, East Central Texas United Way will make reasonable accommodations to the physical and mental limitations of a disabled worker or disabled veteran, provided such accommodation does not impose undue hardship on East Central Texas United Way business. East Central Texas United Way will periodically review its employment practices to ensure that appropriate affirmative action is taken with respect to disabled workers, disabled veterans and Vietnam Era veterans.
East Central Texas United Way shall disseminate this policy to all its employees, board members and volunteers, and encourage all indirect sources of job applicants, such as employees, suppliers, customer, and other contractors, to refer qualified disabled workers, disabled veterans, and Vietnam Era veterans, to our organization. This Policy extends to all employees and board members in all aspects of the employment relationship and all personnel are here by directed to make all reasonable efforts to carry out the spirit and intent of this policy. Violations of this Policy, by any employee or board member, will be met with appropriate action.
Responsibility for the implementation and direction of East Central Texas United Way Affirmative Action Program for disabled workers, disabled veterans and Vietnam Era veterans has been assigned to the presiding President of the Board of Directors. Employees and applicants wishing to review this Affirmative Action Program may do so in the East Central Texas United Way office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
SOX Compliance Policy
Insider Activities Policy
PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to formalize East Central Texas United Way’s commitment to safe operations and trustworthy conduct and to protect itself from insider abuse. This policy, in conjunction with the subsidiary Code of Ethics Policies, will establish certain requirements designed to ensure that:
- Business dealings between the Organization and its subsidiaries and insiders are conducted in an arm’s length fashion so as to promote safe and sound practices, including adequate review and control by the Board of Directors
- The Organization’s expectations of proper conduct for its Board of Directors and employees are formalized
- The public is reassured of the Organization’s commitment to its fiduciary responsibilities
- All potential conflict of interest relationships are disclosed.
RESPONSIBILITIES It is the responsibility of each director, officer, and employee to be aware of the appearance of any potential conflict of interest and to remove himself or herself from any compromising position regarding his or her direct relationship with the Company, or with the Company’s relationship to any organization to which he or she may be connected. The Board of Directors will discuss insider activities and any related problems as needed.
RISK PERSPECTIVES A major risk factor to be considered in conjunction with insider activities is the risk to earnings or donations arising from negative public opinion, referred to as reputation risk. Public knowledge of inappropriate insider activities could affect the Organization’s ability to establish new relationships or services, or to continue servicing existing relationships. The Organization and its affiliates will manage this risk by exercising an abundance of caution with respect to insider activities, as well as dealings with donors, agencies and the community at large.
DEFINITIONS For purposes of this policy, insiders are defined as: Executive Board Members, board members, and employees
DISCLOSURE Board Members and employees of the Organization and its affiliates will disclose all potential conflicts of interest in writing annually. These disclosures will include:
- Management positions, including directorships, held at outside organizations
- Related interests such as companies or political campaigns controlled by the insider, or where the funds or services of such an organization will benefit the insider
- Officers and employees of the Company will also disclose any compensation (including salaries, wages, or gifts) received from outside organizations that may present a potential conflict of interest in regard to their duties with the Organization
ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS Board Members and employees of the Organization and its affiliates may accept small gifts or other items of value from business associates providing that such acceptances are properly disclosed and the dollar value is considered nominal. Gifts valued up to $50 may be accepted without prior approval. Gifts exceeding $50 must receive the approval of the President or of the Board of Directors before acceptance. Board Members and employees may accept the following types of items from individuals doing or seeking to do business with the Organization and its affiliates:
- Meals, gratuities, amenities, or favors based on obvious family or personal relationships
- Meals, refreshments, travel arrangements, accommodations, or entertainment of reasonable value in the course of a meeting or other bona fide business occasion
- Advertising or promotional material of reasonable value (pens, note pads, calendars, etc.)
- Discounts or rebates on merchandise or services that are available to other, similar customers
- Gifts of reasonable value related to commonly recognized events or occasions, such as a promotion, wedding, retirement, or holiday
- Civic, charitable, educational, or religious organization awards for recognition of service and accomplishment
- Other benefits or items of value, when approved in writing, on a case-by-case basis
INSIDER ABUSES All transactions with insiders must be made on substantially the same terms as those afforded to other organization customers or donors to avoid the appearance of preferential treatment. The following types of transactions violate the Organization’s position with respect to insider transactions and will not be tolerated:
- Excessive salaries and/or bonuses
- Directors fees
- Fees paid without benefit to the Company or its affiliates
- Fees paid for services not yet received
- Fees established solely to meet an insider’s need for funds
ACCEPTABLE INSIDER TRANSACTIONS East Central Texas United Way and its affiliates may engage in legitimate and objective transactions with its insiders. Such transactions include, but are not limited to:
- Donations made from the director to the Organization
Transactions that benefit the organization conducted as normal business
FEES PAID TO INSIDERS Fees paid to insiders must be commensurate with the type, level, quality, and value of goods and services provided to the Organization or its affiliates by the insider. Fees must directly relate to, and be based solely on, the fair value of goods and services received by the Organization or its affiliates. Insiders may receive reasonable fees from the organization for services rendered. Fees are considered reasonable if they are based on either cost plus a reasonable profit or the current fair market value of the services. An insider may recover overhead expenses (salaries and wages, occupancy cost, utilities, supplies, advertising) integral to the services provided. Fees paid to an insider may not exceed the level of fees that would have been paid to an outsider for the same quality of services. Documentation of the fair value of all goods and services received from insiders must be recorded and maintained in the Company’s files.
CONSEQUENCES Failure to comply with the terms of this policy may result in termination of employment or immediate dismissal from the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will determine the specific action to be taken after considering the seriousness of the conduct and any breach of trust.
Certified Financial Statements
East Central Texas United Way will adhere to comprehensive requirements for audited financial statements annually as required by United Way World Wide to ensure consistency and transparency. Requirements will be based on industry standards and generally acceptable accounting principles and requirements as well as the requirements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. East Central Texas United Way is committed to financial transparency and will make available at any time upon request the audited financials at our office location during the hours of Monday – Friday 8:30-4:30.
Whistle-Blower Protection
Document Destruction
Retention Policy
Productive Work Environment and Non-Harassment Policy
Employees, board members and volunteers are expected to act in a positive manner and contribute to a productive work environment that is free from harassing or disruptive activity. East Central Texas United Way does not tolerate verbal or physical conduct by an employee, board member or volunteer which harasses, disrupts or interferes with another's work performance or which creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile environment. Further, harassment of East Central Texas United Way personnel by non-personnel on organization premises shall not be tolerated. No form of harassment will be tolerated, and particular attention is called to the prohibition of sexual harassment. (This includes sexual harassment of the same or opposite sex.) Each board member has a responsibility to maintain a work environment free of any form of sexual harassment.
Harassment. As specified in the EEOC guidelines, conduct considered harassment includes offensive verbal conduct such as foul or obscene language, epithets, suggestive statements or innuendo, derogatory comments, or “jokes.” Harassment also includes touching, gestures, or other offensive physical conduct , or creating, displaying, or reading offensive graphic, written or electronic materials or messages in the workplace that relate to sex, race, religion, color, national origin, age, disability, or other unlawful reason. Any of these behaviors is considered harassment if it makes a reasonable person experiencing the conduct uncomfortable in the workplace, or if it hinders the person’s job performance. In addition, inappropriate conduct that occurs outside the workplace, but which affects the workplace, is also prohibited. Harassment also occurs when submission to the kind of conduct described above is a term or condition of an individual’s employment, or submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for job decisions affecting the individual, such as hiring, promotion or discipline.
Sexual Harassment. Sexual harassment includes:
- physical assaults that are sexual in nature;
- unwelcome sexual advances or comments, or requests for sex or sexual activities, regardless of whether they are accompanied by promises or threats, concerning one’s employment or advancement;
- sexual displays or publications such as calendars, cartoons, or e-mails or internet sites;
- other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
East Central Texas United Way encourages you to tell a fellow employee or board member that his/her comments or conduct are inappropriate. Employees and board members should try to talk problems out on a person-to-person level first, but if the conduct or comments continue, or if you feel you cannot address the issue with the other person, notify the board of directors through the Notification Process. Vendors, customers, contractors and consultants are similarly prohibited from engaging in inappropriate conduct, and you should promptly report such conduct through the Notification Process.
Retaliation. Retaliation for notifying East Central Texas United Way concerning a perceived breach of this policy is strictly prohibited. Anyone attempting to retaliate or to interfere with the investigation of an employment complaint will be disciplined up to and including discharge from employment or the board. You are encouraged to speak up without fear of retaliation.
Your Role. We have established a Notification Process to promptly, thoroughly and impartially investigate reports of discrimination, harassment or retaliation, and ensure that appropriate action is taken if a violation of this policy is found. This policy applies to all employees and board members at every level. Violation will result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. Therefore, it is important that you thoroughly understand the policy, the definition of discrimination, harassment or retaliation, and the application of the policy in particular circumstances. You should discuss any questions you have with your board of directors freely, and without fear of retaliation.
The Notification Process. East Central Texas United Way Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Harassment Policy is designed to protect you from discrimination, harassment or retaliation in the workplace, and to help maintain a pleasant, respectful working environment in which you can be comfortable, productive and successful. However, the policy only works if you use it. If you witness or perceive discrimination, harassment, or retaliation from an employee, board member, volunteer, vendor, customer, contractor or consultant, report it immediately, unless you can resolve the problem simply by telling the individual to stop. Report, even if you believe the conduct may already have been reported by someone else. Do not wait until it becomes severe. Do not assume that the board is already aware.
East Central Texas United Way will investigate all reports confidentially, promptly, thoroughly, and impartially, and will take appropriate remedial steps, including disciplinary action, if a violation is found. East Central Texas United Way will ensure that no retaliatory action is taken against you for utilizing this process. When conducting its investigation the Organization will disclose the nature and parties involved in the report only on a limited, need-to-know basis. We will follow up with you to inform you of any corrective action deemed appropriate, and again later to ensure that any measures taken have been effective, and that you are not subject to retaliation for coming forward.
You have several reporting options: you may speak to your immediate supervisor or to another board member.
United Way is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Our human capital is the most valuable asset we have. The collective sum of the individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, inventiveness, innovation, self-expression, unique capabilities and talent that our members invest in their work represents significant part of not only our culture, but our reputation and organization’s achievement as well.
We embrace and encourage our member’s differences in age, color, disability, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, physical and mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veteran status, and other characteristics that make our members unique.
United Way diversity initiatives are applicable-but not limited to our practices and policies on recruitment and selection; social and recreational programs and the ongoing development of a work environment built on the premise of gender and diversity equity that encourages and enforces:
-Respectful communication and cooperation between all members.
-Teamwork and member participation, permitting the representation of all groups and member perspectives.
-Member contributions to the communities we serve to promote a greater understanding and respect for the diversity.
All members of United Way have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect at all times. All members are expected to exhibit conduct that reflects inclusion during meetings, at work functions and at all other organization sponsored and participative events.
Any member found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others may be subject to dismissal.
Members who believe they have been subjected to any kind of discrimination that conflicts with organization’s diversity policy and initiatives should seek assistance from the director and/or executive board members.